Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I've always wanted to try a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster

With grief, there's not a lot of nuance. I could make first contact with alien life in the morning, discover perpetual motion in the afternoon, and if you asked me how my day went in the evening, I'd probably base my answer on how much I cried and missed my wife. Although, me making first alien contact in the morning is fairly impossible, since I usually wake up after noon.

I would be pretty stoked, though, if I made first alien contact. I'd probably introduce the planet as something else, though, 'Earth' just sounds so caveman-ish. But I would also ask them to take me with them, because it seems like a pretty thorough distraction from the static shitstorm of grief. I wonder if hyper-intelligent, interstellar extraterrestrials are good listeners...

But stuck here without my wife, grief is usually a trump card on a day (that's not a political reference). Even when I successfully forget about my grief for the duration of something fun, it all comes rushing back, usually on the drive home. I often wonder, if I got pulled over while crying, the cop'd probably think I was trying to manipulate my way out of a ticket. This is a serious concern of mine. Where's an alien abduction when you need one?

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