Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I said GOOD DAY sir!

Somebody asked me how I was and I said I had a good day. What I meant was that I had some relatively expectable moments of griefy emotion, and otherwise, nothing bad happened. That's what a good day is to me now. I got some good work done, too, and had a grief support meeting, and it added up to what the old me would've thought dead boring. But now it was a good day!

That's not to say I didn't cry today. I'm not sure if I've gone a day without, since it happened. And today is now the nine-month anniversary. Am I happy? Not really. But I don't have much to complain about regarding the past 24 or so hours. None of my bad things got worse, and none of my good things went wrong. Bitchin'.

That being said, I still don't trust that rat-bastard tomorrow. Tomorrow could come shank me in the ass for gloating about today. That guy's always jealous. I guess I assume karma is spiteful, not benevolent, or you'd think I'd have a good tomorrow because I had a good today. But that's just crazy talk. Although, me saying I had a good day sounds pretty bonkers, too. It certainly was no "my-wife-is-still-alive" good day, but I'll take what I can get.


  1. You made me laugh !. Technically, I think it's spelled "bitchen". because I'm from way back when that phrase was first used.
    hugs on ya,

    1. My dictionary lists it with both spellings, actually.

      Thank you! I always hope some funny come through and not just the negative.


I hope you brought enough comment to share with the whole class!