Thursday, May 5, 2016

Too cute to die

Birds chirping. A moron with a weed-whacker. My cat barfing. These are all things that might wake me up when I'm trying to sleep. Today, I was woken up twice by my cat Wolfie barfing. Good thing I have a mottled, stain-camouflaging carpet, and that I had more clean jeans besides those ones.

I've talked in previous posts about how I know that, even with being a widower in my twenties, things could get worse. I was not wrong. After I got up for the day, the same cat barfed four more times and counting.

Now I'm worried. And not I-hope-that-contestant-doesn't-get-kicked-off-American-Idol worried. I have an appointment tomorrow with a vet to have him checked out. And now, instead of screaming at him "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I'm muttering to myself "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I had to make the decision for my wife, to enact her wishes to be taken off life support. And my wife was even cuter than my cats. I am not fucking ready to make another one of those decisions again. I don't know if barfing six times in ten hours means my cat has Exploding Feline Melanoma. But until I take Wolfie to see the vet tomorrow, I'm pretty much assuming it's Exploding Feline Melanoma. I'm still able to joke about it, so I'm leaving room for the unknown. But I hate pulling plugs on the ones I love. And I'm running out of clean jeans.


  1. breathe. you are doing the right thing.

    test: put down small amount of wet cat food, a favorite variety, diluted a bit with some warm water. it may be dehyration. if it is and Wolfie laps up the wet/water/food, and keeps it down, he gets nutrition and fluid in small portion.

    is he eating? or just upchucking? upchucking food? (it happens sometimes for no reason) fur balls? (normal) frothy clear stuff? (possibly dehydration) ...

    cats are amazingly resilient creatures. you are doing the wise thing taking him in for checking. get some sleep. healthy cats will upchuck for no apparent reason and then be completely fine. til the next fur ball.

    get some sleep.

    1. I tried semi-successfully to get some sleep. The good news is that he hasn't vomited at all today. He had some blood drawn at the vet, but his vitals looked positive, so, fingers crossed, he seems to be on the mend. He's been eating today without a problem, although yesterday it wasn't so successful. The vet gave him some fluids for hydration and I should know the results of the blood work by tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Thank you so much for your concern. I was a worried wreck yesterday, but now I'm cautiously optimistic.

  2. If he's stopped puking he is likely ok. I hope he is! Big hugs


    1. That's my hope. The blood work is the X factor, but the vet sounded positive, so I'm sounding positive! Thanks a lot!

  3. fingers crossed for you and Wolfie !

    1. Check out my post today for the less-than-exciting conclusion. (spoiler alert: he's doing fine)

      Thank you so much for your concern, it's truly meaningful to me.


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