Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Last Crusader finally crosses the finish line

Like somebody who just watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time and wants to talk about it now, I've finally woken up. After decades of intense dislike for coffee, I've converted. I never knew that the energy and pep from coffee was fairly different from the caffeine and sugar of Mt. Dew, my fizzy mistress. Are you sure this coffee stuff is legal?

Everybody's seen Indiana Jones. And everybody drinks coffee, now. I was the last holdout, but I've officially joined your Thuggee Cult. I need more energy in my life. I've been told that grief makes you tired as a way to get you the rest you need. But I'm getting annoyed at how hard it can be to drag myself out of bed. I didn't know coffee was like this, man. I'm still not a huge fan of the taste, I add lots of creamer. But recently, nothing tastes good in grief, so who cares?

Don't get crazy, guys. I still avoid Starbucks like ebola. But I'm using a Keurig machine now that belonged to my wife. I feel closer to her, if I can tolerate coffee. I know I'm grasping at straws here, but it's those little black stirrer straws.


  1. Coffee is precious! Sweet milky caffeinated lifeblood. Nothing is better to wake up with after a long sad night then delightful energy filled coffee. And if you add things like chocolate and caramel it gets even better. (Says the woman who is on her 3rd cup of the day.)


    1. Today I went coffee-less out of convenience and I'm wishing I'd taken the two minutes to power up my Keurig, cuz now I feel like a brain-craving zombie. Or maybe just sleep-craving.


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