Monday, September 19, 2016

Riding In Cars With Coworkers

Today at work, a company van needed service, and I dropped it off and picked it up, which meant that for one trip there and one trip back, somebody needed to drop me off or pick me up. Two different people helped me, and they gave two different reactions when they found out I had one of those dead wife things you hear about sometimes (it just came up, I wasn't like "hey, thanks for the ride my wife's dead).

One person was unfazed, or at least showed zero outward reaction. The other had actually known about it already, but forgotten. Neither are going to be joining my support circle. So which one bothered me most? The answer may surprise you!

*Wait 30 seconds or so before reading the next paragraph for suspense*

Trick question! I didn't really give a fuck either way. Even when Forgetful apologized numerous times, it didn't matter, and it was easy to forgive. And I'm guessing that Unfazed didn't want to say anything to possibly upset anyone, or just has his own bullshit to deal with. Luckily for me I'm pretty numb to petty crap you know, because of the horrendous grief-pain. Dealing with death is useful for one thing: comparing other pain to. If you can survive losing someone you love dearly, you can survive an apocalypse (zombie or Biblical).

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I hope you brought enough comment to share with the whole class!