Thursday, September 8, 2016

I hate adulting

This is going to sound like a resume, but I'm a very fast learner and can learn to do almost any job. My new job is no exception. That being said (and how you can tell this isn't a resume), I hate all jobs forever. My new job is no exception. The work is no problem. The problem is that it's a job.

I've been dealing with some waves of depression in the almost two weeks since I started this gig. The work is fairly easy, the people are incredibly nice, and everyone's been telling me I'm doing a great job. So naturally, I already want to quit. I must be wired wrong for what most adults do every single day: work a regular job.

Like all jobs, I need this. Settling into the grind of doing this every day for an unpredictable number of months or years is daunting, to say the least. But I have a secret trump card. Turns out no job is worse than losing my wife! I'm indestructible, now, really. My wife can't come back to life and die again, so what's the big deal? There is no big deal. Just a humble-grumble grind.

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I hope you brought enough comment to share with the whole class!