Friday, October 14, 2016

Sick of grief

So about grief throwing me a curveball around the one-year mark for my wife dying: I might end up sick that day. I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat, and it hasn't gotten better through ignoring it today. I've got to hand it to grief: I did not see this one coming. Griefbursts, I'm all geared up and prepped for. But a sore throat? Cunning. Absolutely cunning.

Part of wonders if this sore throat really is supernatural in some way. What if I mysteriously catch a cold every mid-October now? Like some cheap M. Night Shyamalan movie, The Sickening. I'll have to make my ritual of visiting her gravesite include tissues and Dayquil.

If I do happen to be sick in some paranormal way related to grief, and my wife sent a poltergeist to give me this poorly-timed bug, I guess it could be worse. If I really am sick, then I have a legit excuse to take care of myself that's hard to argue against. I may be forced to lay low and take it easy for a few days. Drat!


  1. This lends a whole new aspect to my favorite home-made song title: "Boogers and Tears"
    I believe it has potential to climb up Top Hits list.
    I am sending you survival wishes and prayers.
    Hang in there, kid.


    1. Haha! As if crying didn't make me have to blow my nose enough already.
      Thank you very much!


I hope you brought enough comment to share with the whole class!