Monday, October 24, 2016

Regularly scheduled grief

I've said it before, grief is losing it's pizzazz. Now that I have a job again, and a schedule, there seems to be less to write about on here. Certainly less of the side-splitting variety, if any of my humor can be considered that. Turns out routines are dead boring. This is not news to me, but it also turns out that even grief can't spice up a Monday-through-Friday work week.

It doesn't help that the weeks are flying by, either. That's another thing about routines, they can make a week blink past and all of a sudden it's Monday again and even grief is like "Hey wait-! Ah, fuck it." Grief's still around, but it's just another part of my routine to slog through.

I hate the idea of routine at it's core, because they are, as previously illustrated, dead boring. My two worst fears are watching the love of my life die, and being boring. Probably a good time to mention that life wasn't ever boring around her. But I've already lived through the one fear. Is living through the other so bad? Ye-he-he-hes! But as long as I keep writing, I can convince myself that I'm not totally boring. Gotta be a little boring for a while, though. Just enough boring to be useful against the grief, and pay back my damn student loans.

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I hope you brought enough comment to share with the whole class!