Friday, October 28, 2016

For Whom The Taco Bell Tolls

I was in the drive-thru lane at Taco Bell (which could describe more of my evenings than I'm proud to admit) and I realized that now, a year has passed, and I still possess the ability to cry about B.S. minutiae! Thank god I still have that!

You see, back when my wife was alive, we wound up in the drive-thru lane at Taco Bell more of our evenings than we'd be proud to admit. Now, I have a well-known fondness for their nacho cheese sauce (which I'm sure is legally a "cheese product" that has never known the touch of a cow, but to me it's basically yellow liquid crack). Occasionally, in those days of yore, my wife would order something that came with a little cup of nacho cheese sauce, and if it was more than she wanted to use, she would, of course, give me the remainder. Which, as you all know of course, is true love.

So that all hit me and I burst into tears. Fortunately, I'd already ordered, and I had time before my turn at the little window to reign it in. So yeah, turns out I can still have those moments after a year has passed. Darn. And I'd really been hoping. I will say that this time, among the random griefbursts over minutiae, I felt a bit foolish, more than I used to. Is that progress? I'm calling that progress.

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I hope you brought enough comment to share with the whole class!